Circlesongs Workshop by Gaël Aubrit

September 19th to 22nd (with options)

This workshop is for singers of all backgrounds and levels looking to improve their vocal accuracy and rythm in a supportive environment and with a chorus. Or for anyone already familiar with vocal improv eager to widen their musical vocabulary and further enhance their skills. Or, obviously, for anyone already in love with CircleSongs.

The workshop includes plenty of singing around improvised CircleSongs created by Gaël as well as spaces for other participants to add their musical flavor. Some of the CircleSongs would be purely artistic, but here we would work mostly on specific skills like accuracy, rythm, harmonics, tone, articulation, energy, listening and cohesion, all tailored to the participant’s individual needs. Most CircleSongs would then be repeated a good number of times until they reach a well refined state. Solos from whoever are also always welcome!

Date: Saturday September 19th to Sunday September 20th (“main” workshop) from 10:30 am to around 12:30 pm and from around 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm, then Monday September 21st and Tuesday September 22nd (workshop “extension”) for whoever wants.

Accomodation : The practice space is also a guest house, so you can sleep on floor mattresses. Just bring your own sleeping bag / sheets. The price is 20 chf per night (18 euros), which includes showers, kitchen, garden, cat, etc. Or you can reserve a private room in our guest house, priced at 80 chf per night (75 euros).

Food: Bring your personal meal or bring food to share with others, buffet style.

To Apply and find out more, check out


Gaël Aubrit is a singing teacher with passion for improv and CircleSongs. After a degree in Musical Studies, he undertook the “Modern Singing Techniques” by Allan Wright and became a certified teacher, after which he followed workshops in the US with Bobby McFerrin. He is also trained in Nonviolent Communication.

He teaches in all kinds of institutes (Établissement Pénitentiaire pour Mineurs in Rhône, Agence Mayenne Culture, VoxLab in Montpellier, CFMI in Lyon, various theater and music schools) and for many audience types (groups, choruses, professional and amateur singers). He’s also the creator of Improvie, a 3-year training course based on collective vocal improv, and he co-founded Chant Pour Tous, a movement aimed at popularizing vocal improv.