Winter Dances

January 7th – 9th, by Urs Stauffer

During this workshop, I will offer a space in which our winter dances may be born. The location is ideal for a residential workshop and invites us to return within ourselves, as well as a opening out to those around us. We will explore simple structures in order to approach our authenticity in movement and share it with our dance partners.

I will mainly draw from my experiences with Anna Halprin, Steve Paxton and Lisa Nelson, three pioneers of improvised dance. with whom I had the privilege to practice for some time. I will also offer tools from BMC (Body-Mind Centering) to refine our presence towards ourselves, others and the environment.

Dates: From Friday January 7th at 2pm to Sunday January 9th at 2pm

Prix: 230 CHF if reserved before December 1st, otherwise 250 CHF

Lodging: The practice space is also a guest house, so it is possible to sleep there on mattresses on the floor. Just bring a sleeping bag / bedding. Price: 25 CHF per night. This includes access to showers, kitchen, garden, cat, etc.

Food: Community kitchen. More details on the facebook page.

For the detailed program, registration and payment, see the facebook page.